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Web Design

Age 11-16 years

Internet is the most influential medium to express ourselves and reach out to everyone in this digital world. With the use of websites and web applications we can reach through out the world to express ourselves, our ideas and also access unlimited information. Hence web design and developent is an important skill for everyone who need to present themselves on digital platforms. Here is an opportunity for you to ideate and develop efficient websites/webapps for given problem statement.

Participants will be given a problem statment brief, 21 days prior to the event date. Participants need to solve the problem creatively within the given constraints. They are required to submit a presentation on their design. The jury will select the best design for the championship award based on the below criteria.

- Design and Creativity (20%): 
  Originality of the idea, Effective use of technology and tools, Responsive Design, Intuitive design and navigation, UI
- Technical Quality (20%):
  Correctness of syntax and code, Optimization, Accuracy of code structure, Adherence to copyright laws, ,Simplicity, readablity and easy maintenance of code
- Functionality and content(20%):
  Successful working, Browser compatibility, Effective navigation and working links, Effective use of multimedia content
- Uniqueness and Innovation (20%):
  Unique technologies, Uniqueness of solution, Innovative use of technology
- Accessibility and Overall experience (20%):
  Relevance to the problem statement, Relevance to lastest trend and technologies in Coding, UX

(Team Size – Individual Participant or Max. 5 Members)

Category levels:
- Middle – 11-13 years (Born on or between 1st August 2009- 31st July 2012)
- Senior – 14-16 years (Born on or between 1st August 2006- 31st July 2009)

- website/application project folder with source code files
- Presentation: .PDF Format
- Analysis of the theme
- Concept documentaion and UI wireframes
- Proposed problem solution
- Justification of how your solution meets the problem/requirement
- Implementation (how will you make your solution reach the users)

- Complete details should be mentioned in the registration form
- Your entry should be submitted before the submission deadline
- Projects made using CMS platforms like wordpress, wix, joomla etc. or readymade templates will not be acceptible
- You are required to submit a presentation of your solution to problem statement with a detailed design documentation, in PDF format only
- The entry submitted must be an original idea for Design Championship, provide references to prove the same
- Although it is not mandatory, but it is advisable to showcase a video of your workflow (Thought process). Submit such videos of less than 90 sec duration or maximum 50mb in size
- If any copyrighted content is used, specifying credits are compulsory
- Your entry should not violate any terms and conditions of copyright issues. Plagiarism will not be tolerated.
- Publishing website/webapps is not mandatory.
- 30-sec to 60-sec video of your final project/Explanation.


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