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Design Championship 2024 Theme

Game Design

A Magical Puzzle Adventure

Create an impactful poster celebrating visionary leaders from various fields who have inspired a better future, showcasing their influential contributions and motivating others to follow their lead. Let this artwork serve as a powerful reminder of the positive change they have brought to the world.

3D Design

Recreating the Iconic Inventions

Create a 3D model of one of Thomas Edison's inventions, like the Gramophone, Electric Pen, Movie Camera, Tasimeter, or Vitascope. The goal is to accurately represent the chosen invention, showcasing its details and functionality as a tribute to Edison's innovative contributions.

Movie Making

A Journey of Inspiration

Create a short movie highlighting the life journey and significant contributions of any inspirational individual of your choice, who has made a lasting impact on the world. The movie should serve as a source of motivation and enlightenment, shedding light on the remarkable achievements, values, and resilience demonstrated by this inspirational person throughout.

App Design

Musk's Visionary Quest

Design a science and technology informative application that showcases Elon Musk's significant contributions in space exploration and renewable energy. The application should feature futuristic ideas, educate users about sustainable innovations, and engage them through eco-friendly challenges.

Graphic Design

Pioneers of Progress

Create an impactful poster celebrating visionary leaders from various fields who have inspired a better future, showcasing their influential contributions and motivating others to follow their lead. Let this artwork serve as a powerful reminder of the positive change they have brought to the world.


Empowering Quotes Bot

Develop a quote generator bot equipped with a diverse collection of inspiring quotes from influential figures like Swami Vivekananda, Martin Luther King Jr., Nelson Mandela, and Rabindranath Tagore. The bot's purpose is to share these profound messages with a broader audience, spreading wisdom and motivation to uplift and empower individuals across various platforms.

Web Design

Honoring Impactful Innovators

Create a website that pays tribute to an influential individual who has made a profound impact through their groundbreaking discovery, theory, or invention. The website should showcase their life's work, contributions, and the lasting significance of their achievements.


ICT360 offers a comprehensive ICT, Computer Science and iLAB ecosystem for schools, teachers, and students. Our initiative focuses on fostering 21st-century skills and industry readiness through an NEP-aligned curriculum to all boards. From grades 1–10, we employ experiential and project-based learning methodologies, offering certifications for schools in AI, AR, VR, coding, media, apps, games, web design, 3D printing, robotics, IoT, and cloud computing.
The program aims to shape students into innovators and problem solvers.
Our iLAB features various labs like AR/VR, coding, mechatronics, media, and maker labs, fostering an interactive learning atmosphere conducive to technological exploration and skill development.
With a comprehensive approach and a focus on empowering learners, ICT360 strives to make education more engaging, effective, and aligned with the demands of the modern world.