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App Design

Age 11-16 years

Creating a mobile app doesn’t always require programming skills. Beyond having to acquire vital and transferable skills (commonly called “soft skills”), it involves graphic design, research, editing, and unique writing skills.

We introduced the category of mobile app design in Design Championship 2019, Theme will be announced 21 days prior to event day. We aim to provide a platform to students on app-based entrepreneurship. We call it ‘Appreneurship’

The goal for students is to create a mobile app using available app creation tools (MAD-learn, MIT App Inventor 2, Thunkable & Appybuilder, etc.) based on given theme. And have their mobile app shared with the jury for assessment. To that end, students must work toward the following criteria:The goal for students is to create a mobile app using available app creation tools (MAD-learn, MIT App Inventor 2, Thunkable & Appybuilder, etc.) based on given theme. And have their mobile app shared with the jury for assessment. To that end, students must work toward the following criteria:

- Effective Identification (10%)
- Attractive Visual Design (15%)
- Higher Level of Sophistication / Depth of Information (10%)
- Accessible Content (15%)
- User-friendly Functionality (20%)
- Meaningful Interactivity (optional) (15%)
- Considerations of Overall Relevance and Creativity (15%)

(Team Size – Individual Participant or Max. 5 Members)

Category levels:
- Middle – 11-13 years (Born on or between 1st August 2009- 31st July 2012)
- Senior – 14-16 years (Born on or between 1st August 2006- 31st July 2009)

For any tool-based app: Students must submit a document (Annexure - A) along with the .apk of their app.

- The app should fulfill all the following criteria (applicable as per the Developing Platform)
- The App Name conforms to parameters
- The Description is clear
- Search Tags are included (at least four)
- Unique, creative image sets are created for all devices, OR templates found in the platform are used effectively
- logo is part of the Splash and Home screens
- Resolutions used create clear images on all devices
- Home Screen buttons are easily read and fully visible without having to scroll
- The app includes more than nine active user-created screens
- The app includes at least three different templates, beyond those given
- At least one screen must be built from a code-based template
- Text and media elements are accurate
- Text is proofread for both grammatical conventions and clarity
- Text and media elements are neither too long nor too short for a given screen
- Text and media elements are cited
- All the buttons are programmed correctly
- The sequence of connected screens is logical
- All photo elements for HTML screens are built into, and accessed from, the app
- All embedded links function correctly
- The Side Drawer has at least one additional button programmed.
- If appropriate, an interactive element should be included. This can be in the form of an in-app quiz, Contact Us screen for feedback/sharing, or using a HCJ or Custom Template to get various responses from the end user
- The subject matter of the app is either unique or is approached in a unique fashion
- A case should be made as to why the app is valuable to an audience
- More sophisticated templates (i.e.: Custom, HTML, and HCJ) should exhibit an appreciation of their value in making an app more engaging and/or interactive
- 30-sec to 60-sec video of your final project/Explanation.

Annexure - A

App Name: ______________________________________________________________
Name of Team Members:

  1. _________________________________________________________________
  2. _________________________________________________________________
  3. _________________________________________________________________
  4. _________________________________________________________________

MAD-learn Code: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (leave blank if the app is not MAD-learn based)

App Description:


Process Flowchart:



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